
Dear colleagues and friends,

We welcome you all to this joined EUFEMED (European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development) and HEALIXIA conference. We are proud to offer you an inspiring program of lectures and scientific sessions under the umbrella: “Mastering increasing complexity in developing innovative therapies".

This joint EUFEMED – HEALIXIA conference is a special edition as both organisations celebrate an anniversary. Ten years ago EUFEMED was founded by 4 national European human pharmacology associations: BAPU in Belgium, Club Phase I in France, AGAH in Germany and AHPPI in the United Kingdom to progress science and methodology in human pharmacology on a European level and to increase awareness for the importance and specific needs of exploratory medicines development.

In addition, 5 years ago Healixia was created, when 4 Belgian associations (BAPU, BRAS, BeAPP and ACRP.be) joined forces in setting-up education and networking sessions for professionals active along the life cycle of medicines, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and other health related products.

In this short timeframe, both EUFEMED and HEALIXIA grew up to respected organisations with an impressive track record of successful events and activities. Join us in celebrating this important milestone during our conference dinner on Thursday evening.

This year’s theme of our conference is “Mastering increasing complexity in developing innovative therapies". The conference aims at providing a forum for joint discussions on how best to deal with our current conflicting situation: while achieving simplicity is considered a pre-requisite by ICH-GCP(R2) for improving trial performance and reducing costs, we experience that the complexity of science, methodology and regulatory requirements rapidly increase. The move into genetic medicines, the impact of AI in drug development, the demand for diversity and the changing regulatory and market access environment are just a few of the challenges we are facing. But challenges can be turned into opportunities to safeguard Europa as a stronghold in the development of new medicines, devices and solutions for patients around the globe. Let’s maximise the opportunity of this joint symposium by exchanging ideas, viewpoints and experiences, get new insights, connect and learn from each other. By doing so, we will become better positioned for navigating in the complex world of developing innovative therapies.

As the conference will take place in the centre of Mechelen, it is not only our intention to offer science. We also hope that you will enjoy a relaxed atmosphere to meet old colleagues, make new friends, build bridges between EUFEMED and HEALIXIA, and get inspired by a historical city.

Many thanks for being with us in Mechelen!


On behalf of the boards of EUFEMED and HEALIXIA


Jan de Hoon, EUFEMED President

Erik Present, HEALIXIA President


About us

EUFEMED (the European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development) is the European not-for-profit association for the exchange of information, guidance and opinion between sponsors, national agencies, research units and study participants on the practice of early clinical development of medicines with the ultimate goal of improving therapeutic options for individual patients and society as a whole.


EUFEMED promotes the interest of early clinical medicines development in professional organizations, international organizations and regulatory authorities. Our aims are to support stakeholders and facilitate networking through conferences, courses and specialist training. We also collaborate with other organizations to develop standards and promote guidance in early medicines development in order to improve European competitiveness. Our conferences are well attended from across the industry and we invite you to take the opportunity to meet our members in a learning environment.


More information: www.eufemed.eu

 Logo Eufemed 10-6-'15.pdf


Healixia is the Belgian community of all professionals active along the life cycle of medicines, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics & other health related products. Members are active in research & development (including pre-clinical, early clinical and later phases), medical affairs, safety, regulatory affairs and market access in industry, academia, investigator sites, authorities, regulatory bodies or in consultancy.


Healixia provides development, education, training and networking opportunities, thus aiming to further professionalize all members and concerned disciplines. Healixia wants to create awareness and have a signal function towards other stakeholders in the eco-system in order to continue to build strong relations and strengthen the life science sector in Belgium.


More information: www.healixia.be





Thank you to the sponsors for their support:

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